This is an attempt to record the achievements of members of the Fellandale club during its existence. There may be errors or omissions for which I can only apologise and give an assurance that they will be corrected when the “ second edition” is prepared.
In particular I would welcome corrections of dates where needed. Members may be surprised at the achievements of members of a relatively small club .
K.I.M.M. (better known as The Karrimor.) Prize Winners.
1984. Jem Wilson/Ian Hodgson 4th “A” Class
1985 Jem Wilson / Ian Hodgson Winners “ Score” Class
1985 Dave Britton/Alistair Wood 4th “A” Class
1986. Michael / Chris Hodgson. 5th “B” Class
1986 John Sykes/ Dave Hodgson. Winners Vets. “B” Class
1986 Dave Britton/Graham Watson. 2nd “A” Class
1988 John Sykes/ Dave Hodgson Winners Vets “B” Class
1989 Sara Taylor/David Taylor Winners Mxd. “C” Class.
1990 Christine Kenyon/Jean Shotter 2nd Ladies “C” Class
1997 Ian. Wilson/Alison Wilson 1st Mxd Saunders Harter Fell Class
1998 Heather Maud/Jane Saul Winners Ladies “ Score” Class
2000 Alison Wilson/Madeline Hobley Winners Ladies “B” Class.
Welsh 1000m
1985 Dave Britton, Jem Wilson, Ian Hodgson Winners Men Mountaineers Team
Six Dales Hike.
Several wins between 1980 and 1985 culminating in the current record of 7 hours 29min. by John Sykes, Dave Britton, Martyn Speight and Ian Hodgson.
Polaris Mountain Bike Two Day Event.
993 Dave Heeley/Chris Hodgson Winners Senior Class.
1995 Dave Heeley/Chris Hodgson Winners Senior Class.
Challenge Events.
Bob Graham Round.
1985 Dave Britton, Phil Glendinning, John Sykes
1990 Alan Drury.
1992 Bryan Speight, Jean Shotter, Neal Shotter, Ken Wilby.
1996 Martin Scott
1998 Alison Wilson.
2015 Simon Franklin.
2021 Amanda Seims
2022 Mike Roberts
2022 Paul Heeley
Yorkshire 2000ft Peaks.
1991 Alan Drury
Joss Naylor Challenge.
1999 Jack Escritt.
Lands End to John 0’Groats Walk.
1999 John Bussey.
Lakeland Wainwrights
2012-2014 Michael & Sara Hodgson
Fell Running Championship.
1993 English Ladies Team Champions. Emma Hodgson, Sara Hodgson, Sally Malir, Andrea Priestley, Jean Shotter, Heather Maud.
1994 British and English Ladies Team Champions. Emma Hodgson, Sara Hodgson, Heather Maud, Sally Malir, Andrea Priestley, Jean Shotter.
1994 English Ladies Champion. Andrea Priestley.
1994 3rd British Ladies Relay Championships. Heather Maud, Emma Hodgson, June Howard, Olly Drury, Andrea Priestley, Jean Shotter.
1993 English Over 60 Champion. Dave Hodgson.
2002 Yorkshire Cross Country Over 70 Champion Dave Hodgson
Over 50 Champion Brian Hilton
International Honours.
1995 Andrea Priestley, English Fell Running representative at Home Countries Internationals - Knock Dhu and Snowdon.
1998 Brian Hilton, English Cross Country representative Home Countries Veterans International
Other Notable Achievements.
Winner Ben Nevis Ladies- Sara Hodgson. Winner Chevin Chase- Martyn Speight.
Winner Burnsall Fell Race 5 times between1994 & 2003 Sara Hodgson.
World Veterans 5000m Track Championship Bronze Medal - Brian Hilton.
Winners Ian Hodgson Mountain Relay Ladies.- Emma & Sara Hodgson, Andrea Priestley, Jean Shotter, Heather Maud, Sally Malir, June Howard, Christine Kenyon.
Winners Three Peaks Ladies Team.- Christine Kenyon, Jean Shotter, Andrea Priestley.
Members of the club ladies team won many ladies individual fell race awards between 1992 and 1997.
and the Rombalds Stride event provided success for several club pairings between 1985 and 1995
Winner Manx Mountain Marathon several times - Andy Hauser.
Badger Stone Relay placings include 2nd Open, 1st Vets 0/40 1st Vets 0/60.
Two club members have successfully completed all the Scottish Munros- Jack Escritt and Alison Wilson. Dave Hodgson and Andy Hauser gained the Three Peaks 21 Race award.
The Chevin Chiller 2013 Adrian Kennedy 1st, Scott Leach 2nd and Fellandale won the team prize
Hardmoors 55 2018. 1st Team Relay prize for Phil Steel, Tanya Shepherd, Emma Lavelle-Wood and Mike Roberts.
Sports Administration.
1988/1991 Dave Hodgson. Chairman Fell Runners Association.
1994/1997 Alan Judd. Chairman Fell Runners Association.
1995/1999 Dave Hodgson Chairman England International Fell Selection Committee.
1980/1995 Dave Hodgson Chairman Three Peaks Race Association.
1995/2000 Graham Maud Chairman Three Peaks Race Association.
2000- Paul Dennison Chairman Three Peaks Race Association.
1984/1996 Shirley Hodgson. Entries & Results Secretary Three Peaks Race Association
1997/2000 Susan Dennison Results Secretary Three Peaks Race Association .
Services to the Community.
1999 Bob Graham Relay. Organised in remembrance of club members who died. Raised over £300 for charities nominated by the widows of Alan Drury, Eric Child and Phil Brayson.
2000 Horsforth Sports and Fun Day. Provided a days sport for over 500 young people and raised £500.00 which was distributed to local sports clubs.
1980-present. Club members have provided many of the marshals and officials for the Three Peaks Race and the Hodgson Mountain Relay and (from 1980 to 2010) Registration and Results officials for the Jack Bloor Race.
1997-present Danefield Relay - Successful organisation of an evening multi terrain/fell relay on Danefield (Chevin Forest East).
During the early years of the club a Fell Sports competition was organised for competition between local Venture Scout Units.