Join Us!

You are welcome to run with us and try the club out for 4 sessions. If you then want to join, please fill out the form below. We offer different memberships with senior membership open to anyone aged 18 and over:

Current senior membership fees are (for 2025)

  • First Claim £30 (includes EA membership)

  • Second Claim £15 (for runners already 1st claim with another club)

  • Student £20 (for runners in full time education)

    Social £10 (for those who don't run with the club but will attend social events)

Following the 2023 AGM the club agreed to accept junior membership for children (aged 6 to under 18) of existing club members with a nominal fee to be confirmed, together with the EA membership rate for any that wish to race in EA-registered events. This will allow junior members to enter races as Horsforth Fellandale and wear the club vest, however no training sessions will be provided by the club for junior members.

We train every Wednesday Meeting from 6.45pm to set off running at 7pm. In the summer we usually meet at Otley Chevin (Surprise View Carpark), and in the winter either from Leeds Trinity University or (more increasingly) hold headtorch runs on the Chevin or a range of other locations. Find out more about training here. We are a friendly bunch and will cater our training nights to different paces and abilities, we often do steady social runs, but will have structured training nights such as hill and speed sessions. Join our facebook page for more info.

If you want to find out more, email: or


When completed please email to Debi Nicholson who will provide bank details for payment as required . Privacy Policy

Please head over to our Facebook Page for the most up to date training news, social activities and events. 

You can purchase a club vest by contacting Debi: OR head over to Yorkshire Runner in Otley!



Contacts (2025/26 Committee)

Chairperson: Paul Heeley

Secretary: Neil Barton:

Communications Officer: Martin Gebbett

Treasurer: Debi Nicholson

Running(Race) Coordinator: Christine Addison

Training Coordinator: Rhianna Fielden

Welfare Officer: Julie Towse

Ordinary Members: Kat Fisk, Sarah Glover. Louise O’Brien



Useful links:

The Fell Running Association 

British Open Fell Runners Association

PECO Cross Country

Yorkshire Vets Athletics


SiEntries - events listing and online entries

Racebest - events listing and online entries - local mostly non-fell